Dear Reader,

So today is a month and a half after I wrote my first post. Didn’t think it would take me this long to get this up.

I finally decided to use Hugo to build this blog, and I’m using the amazing PaperMod theme by Aditya Telange. Not sure if it will be the same by the time you finally read this, but I’m loving it so far.

Before I started using Hugo I built it using Jekyll, why did I switch to Hugo? I don’t know. I kept switching between the two and I finally forced myself to make a decision, and for some reason Hugo stuck out more.

Why “Jaco.bLog” you might ask. Well I am Jacob. This is a blog, and is a valid domain. Computers have logs and this is my log.

A few things I’ve worked on since finishing my first post:

  • Game Jam
  • Dwight Schrute Portrait
  • Marathon to Ironman

Thanks for reading,

Jacob Strong

P.S. - I wrote this in February 2021, and the blog didn’t actually launch until May 2021. I have just taken my dear sweet time, but here it is!