I’ve never been one to believe in or have an interest in astrology, but earlier this year my wife and I took a vacation to Hawaii.

After lunch one day we were walking in and out of little shops in a strip mall. We walked into a crystal store and a bubbly young lady welcomed us in and began showing my wife around the store. I wandered around picking up items here and there but mostly just counting down time until I would suggest to my wife we move on.

But then I picked up this hematite cube. I can’t really say exactly what I felt, but this cube was special. I must have been there a minute because my wife walked over to me and broke me out of a trance. “I think it chose me.” A silly jab at the astrology obsessed shop keeper, but there was some truth to it.

Of course I bought it, and it still sits on my desk.

I’m not saying I believe in astrology, but I do believe in this rock. Sometimes it just helps to believe in something. Rationalism has taken over most of western thinking, but reason or the scientific method doesn’t always have great answers for things like feeling and soul. Why is a building beautiful, why do I enjoy sitting in this room, why does this work of art make me feel sad, or why do I feel calm when I hold this rock?